Date: 02 Dec 1999
Time: 04:02:08
I would like to suggest that Barisan Alternatif parties call for the immediate investigation of the postal votes, to see where they went to and how much were allocated to each Barisan Nasional candidate. From what can be clearly seen, most major BN candidates, who are mostly in the present leadership of their respective parties were most certainly be given such votes, that had enable them to win handsomely. Look at MAHAFIRAUN's, Daim's, Rafidah's, Leong Sik and Samy's tally, and we can tell that they were topped up. These people were scums of Malaysia, and yet they could get so many votes. Surely, BA can initiate the investigation of the postal votes, to see if indeed these people had benefitted from them.
I would think that even MAHAFIRAUN would have lost to Subky, since his popularity even in his own Kubang Pasu had fallen. Just consider how during the last Hari Raya, he did not even bother to donate four cattle for the people in his own constituency. MAHAFIRAUN dared not do so, because he felt the people would not want to consume it. And his walkabouts were restricted to public places such as in Sunway Lagoon, as they would be a readymade crowd of curious onlookers. So, how on earth could anybody think that MAHAFIRAUN himself had lost so much support from the people? And what about Daim and the rest of the gang? They too, had fallen from grace with the people.
BA must immediately take court actions to force Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya to open up the ballot boxes and do the counting again; and this time, all voting slips must be check again and again to see if they have not been tainted, or those that had voted for BA were erased. And how many postal votes had been dumped in the constituencies of MAHAFIRAUN, Daim and the rest of the gang, and also those of major BA leaders such as Chandra, Ezam, Marina and the rest who seemed to have lost by a small margin.
One can suspect that the reason why they had lost was because of the existence of such postal votes. Why on earth must postal votes be used in such a way since they can be manipulated, and purposely dumped into the crucial areas where BN leaders had a slim chance of winning? And what are the criterias used by SPR to determine how many such votes were to be dumped to which areas? Surely, an immediate investigation can be conducted by an independent commission which is neutral to both BN and BA; and BA must initiate such an investigation. If this cannot be done, then BN and SPR cannot lay claim that the last elections were free and fair.