Date: 01 Dec 1999
Time: 03:32:42
Keep Up The Fight
The dust of battle has settled and I feel betrayed. Betrayed by fellow citizens I'm suppose to die for in times of war. Alienated by values which I find plenty do not share. Was it us the reformists who failed to deliver the message? I dearly want to believe so. For I could not contemplate the alternative.
Have we not shamed the world today? Have we not state it loud and clear to the world that we Malaysians do not care pittance for justice and truth? Only basic animal instincts drives us as Malaysians. To hell with justice and fairplay, to hell with cruelty and wrongs! We Malaysians are willing ready and eager to sell our souls and principles whenever we feel it suits us.
I have never been so ashame to be Malaysian. How are we expected to play a role in the world today, to speak out against injustice in the world when we ourselves pay no heed to such values on our shores?
During the Japanese occupation our forefathers did right by us. They did not cowardly accept Japanese rule for the sake of "peace and economic stability."
During the British rule our forefathers did right by us. They did not meekly accept the Malayan Union for the sake of "peace and economic stability."
During World War II the world did not sit back and accept Nazi rule for the sake of "peace and economic stability."
Thinking human beings draw the line somewhere. Peace is a valued aim. Economic stability is a commendable target. But not at any price! Certainly not at the price of justice and truth, of fairplay, and of what is right and what is wrong, and most certainly not at the price of human pride.
If these are not the values of my generation, pray tell me, how do I resign from being Malaysian?