Date: 23 Nov 1999
Time: 20:30:46
Dr M: I myself may be arrested today :
ALOR STAR, Nov 22, 99 (Sinchew)
>Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamed said, if he did not arrest Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, he himself might be arrested today.
Too true. With all the abused of power by Dr. M exposed, any party that comes to power will have to arrest and prosecute him. It need'nt be Anwar though.
>He said, if he retired according to his plan in 1998, he would not discover the wrong doings of Anwar.
What wrong doings? What about your liwat accusations? What about the 60 million accusations through Dato Nalla? Have you proven those? Dr. M should stop this culture of lies perperated by him. What he has proven so far was - he was a cronic liar.
>"Even I discovered his wrong doings, I could not do anything as the power changed hands, Anwar would arrest him to protect himself (Anwar).
No wonder you conspire to frame him. You should have admitted it at the onset. Everybody knew it all along. You should not have wasted the prosecutors time trying to proof something that did not exist.
>He said it was lucky that the economic downturn made him discovered the wrong doings of Anwar and expelled him (Anwar) before it is too late.
Yes, your croynism, nepotism and blatant abused of power was only exposed during the economic downturn. We would not have known about your kids and cronies not knowing how to do business if not for the economic downturn.
You were too busy helping undeserving bankrupt businessmen to even think about helping the rakyat. You even approved billions of Ringgit to bail-out a failed businessman. Well, maybe you call this patriotic. I do not.
>Speaking at a gathering at Pendang near here Sunday, the Prime Minister said he was really wanted to retire in 1998, but he kept the secret to himself because he was worry that the people would ask him to stay on.
Wolfs runs in packs. Only wolves would have pleaded for another wolf to stay on. The country would be a better place to stay in if all of them were not around.
>Translated from Sin Chew Jit Poh by PS Teoh Management Services